Mega-points vibration map revealing the unprecedented details of each vibration mode!

The world’s most comprehensive MEMS vibration map with mega-data-points by DHM®, revealing the unprecedented details of each vibration mode with picometre resolution in a just few seconds! DHM® acquires information of XYZ motion for each data point in a single measurement, therefore enabling  tracking of all axis simultaneously in the whole field of view. (Read more)

Michael Muschol, Caroline Wenders, Gunther Wennemuth, von der Universitätsklinik Essen, konnten zeigen, dass Spermien ein chirales Gedächtnis haben, das sich in einer hypothetischen, elastischen Anbindung ins Innere der flagellaren Maschinerie zeigt (PLOS ONE).
Die flagellare Wellenform, wie auch der Schwimmtrack der Spermien in den vier Dimensionen X, Y, Z und Zeit, wurden mit dem DHM® T1000 aufgenommen. (mehr )

Im November 2019 lieferte Lyncée Tec an Professor WANG Gang vom Departement für Wasser & Erde Wissenschaften der China University for Agriculture das folgende Multimodalität-Gerät aus: das DHM-T1000-Fluo-Konfokal. Dieses neue, drei Modalitäten-Gerät bietet dadurch umfassende Bio-Imaging Information, wie: (1) Quantitative-Phasenmessungen (QPM) vom DHM, (2) Epifluoreszenz-Messungen und (3) Konfokalmessungen mit dem Rescan-Konfokalmikroskop-Modul. (Mehr . .).

Die neue Industrie-DHM Serie R100 und R200 wurde im Dezember 2019 lanciert – für industrielle Applikationen. In kompakter und leichter Bauweise gehalten, sind sie designed für die Integration in Roboterarme, Portalförderer usw. 

Dank der nicht-scannenden, überaus schnellen DHM Aufnahmetechnik ist die 3D Topographie mit interferometrischer Auflösung selbst an bewegten Bauteilen und vorhandenen Umgebungsvibrationen zuverlässig aufgenommen. (mehr )

Über 100’000 3D Topographie Aufnahmen pro Sekunde, um transiente, nicht wiederkehrende Vorgänge präzise zu erfassen und zu analysieren!

Ein Meilenstein auf dem Gebiet der ultraschnellen 3D Topographie Messung wurde mit der Lieferung eines DHM T1000 an die Universität San Diego, Professor James Friends, erreicht. Ausgestattet mit einer Photron Nova Hochgeschwindigkeits Kamera, nimmt sie mit 1024×1024 Pixel 12’500 3D Topographie Aufnahmen auf, oder mit 256×256 Pixel gar 116’000 3D Aufnahmen pro Sekunde … (mehr)

Jean-François HuguesScientec et Lyncée Tec 

ont le plaisir de vous inviter à un moment convivial

Les 12 et 13 Juin 2019 à L’Atelier Arts-Sciences 29 rue Esclangon Grenoble

plus d’information            inscriptions

Unlock the advantages of quantitative phase imaging on your own microscope with a simple module addition.

The Digital Holographic Camera provides marker-free non-invasive images of your cells and allows to characterize them without perturbation.

Congratulations to our DHM users from Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands) and from Kent State University (USA) for two recent papers published respectively in Nature Communications and Advanced Materials!

Liquid crystal elastomer coatings with programmed response of surface profile„, Greta Babakhanova, Taras Turiv, Yubing Guo, Matthew Hendrikx, Qi-Huo Wei, Albert P.H.J. Schenning, Dirk J. Broer & Oleg D. Lavrentovich, Nature Communications 9, Article number: 456(2018), DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-02895-9

Oscillating Chiral‐Nematic Fingerprints Wipe Away Dust„, Wei Feng, Dirk J. Broer & Danqing Liu, Advanced Materials 201830 , 1704970, DOI: 10.1002/adma.201704970

Congratulations to our DHM user in Eindhoven University of Technology for another paper published in Nature Communications! (Link to application)

Protruding organic surfaces triggered by in-plane electric fields„, Danqing Liu, Nicholas B. Tito & Dirk J. Broer,  Nature Communications 8, Article number: 1526 (2017), doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01448-w

Congratulations to our DHM user in Eindhoven University of Technology for another paper published in Nature Communications! (Link to application)

Protruding organic surfaces triggered by in-plane electric fields„, Danqing Liu, Nicholas B. Tito & Dirk J. Broer,  Nature Communications 8, Article number: 1526 (2017), doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01448-w

An innovative Lens-less sensor scanning full wafer in 60 seconds ! Compact new design, easy to integrate, customizable UI! Fastest 3D profilometer ever build!

Congratulations to Dr. Marjan Zakerin from Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Germany, who won the „Best Poster Award“ in MNE2017 in Braga, Portugal, for her outstanding work entitled: Thermogravimetric Analysis of Nano-gram CuSO4.5H2O by Digital Holographic Microscopy.

„I became a science super star with my DHM!“, said by Dr. Marjan Zakerin.

LyncéeTec is proud to announce the sale agreements in the US with Quantum Analytics.

Scott Japczynski, executive vice president of Quantum Analytics. :

  • “The DHM will enable our customers to measure their micro and nano structures like never before“
  • “Being able to observe and measure a sample in real-time, as it is reacting to external factors, opens up a whole new world of process control. It’s a game-changing technology.”

QA press release

Lyncée Tec SA is very proud to introduce new features in the latest version of MEMS Analysis Tool V7.0! Users can update their version automatically to benefit of these new functions.

  • Amplitude of Vibration Map
  • Phase of Vibration Map
  • Differential In- & Out-of-plane

MEMS Analysis Tool

Lyncée Tec CEO Dr. Yves Emery will be giving a seminar on our latest 4D profilometry which enables the inspection and measurement of 3D topography and dynamical changes in unrivalled speed. You are invited to be part of this event where a series of applications in material science will be demonstrated, including time-resolved optical profilometry, MEMS, reflectometry and automated optical inspection.

When: Tuesday, May 9th, 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Where: Quantum Analytics, 3400 East Third Ave, Foster City, CA 94404, USA

* Registration is FREE!
* Lunch and networking opportunities will be provided
* Bring your own samples to get the real insight!

The linear objective changer enables automatic change of objective lens on DHM-R series. This is required for advanced automation routines when samples has to be measured at different magnifications.

Motorized objective changer

Published: March 27, 2017

Author(s)Alexander S. Brand

Abstract : Digital holographic microscopy (DHM) is a surface topography measurement technique with reported sub- nanometer vertical resolution. While made commercially available recently, few studies have evaluated the uncertainty or noise in the phase measurement by the DHM. As current research is using the DHM to monitor surface topography changes of dissolving materials under flowing water conditions, it is necessary to evaluate the effect of water and flow rate on the uncertainty in the measurement, as all previous studies have considered uncertainty in measurements made in air.

Citation: Journal of Research (NIST JRES) Volume: 122

Download Paper

LyncéeTec is proud to announce the new Software Development Kit (SDK). It has been tested on production lines for more than a year in customer’s factories, one of the feedback : „we want to scale-up use of DHM®, it provides 3D topography at unrivaled speed“.

The SDK allows programmers to integrate the DHM® on quality control lines or as an OEM instrument.

Discover SDK specifications

Probing 8″ wafers is now possible thanks to the new version of the MEMS probing Platform. The new platform is compatible with 200 x 200 mm stages, up to 6 probes positioners can be installed.

Discover our range of probing platforms

Lyncée rewards the three winners of Lyncée Innovation Challenge 2016

1st prize:  6’000 USD  Matthew Hendrikx, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

2nd prize:  3’000 USD  Wendong Wang, Max Planck Institute, Germany

3rd prize:  1’000 USD  Pasqualantonio Pingue, Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy

Visit the challenge website

A new Vacuum chamber is available

Full chamber specification : Vacuum & Thermal Chambers